Well, a few years have passed since I last posted a blog on my site, and a lot has changed. I’m still sassy and have my hands in the cookie jar at every turn, but now I’m a Mom.
Being a Mom has changed me in ways that I never even thought about, let alone expected. I’ve actually become what I used to dread – a responsible adult. It’s not all that bad considering the trade-off is flippin awesome.
Stella is only 8 months old at this writing, and reminds me moment by moment what real, deep down, to the soles of my toes, real Love is. Her innocence and dependability of me to be there for her in all ways shakes the sh– out of me sometimes, but I’m more than up to the task.
This blog site is about not being a conventional parent – as I am always questioning the “norm”. Personally, I think that’s a healthier approach than following the herd. Stella is bright, beautiful and in perfect range of where she should be for her age. I burst like a bazooka bubble gum bubble with the pride of being a new, first time parent to such a precious, healthy little girl.
New Leaves in March is about sharing some of the unconventionality of being an off the grid, alternative thinking, responsible parent. With the advice of a very hip pediatrician, I introduce different products and concepts into the picture – like essential oils, baby massage and cranial therapy, organic and non GMO diet, play strategies that offer critical thinking, music therapy – and the list goes on.
If I find that something resonates with me, I’ll run it by our doctor first and then see how I can incorporate it into Stella’s day. My blog site is about my time with alternative approaches to parenthood. If I can share a certain music or aroma that helps an anxious infant calm down, then this site is my vehicle to do that.
Thanks for finding me in this huge world wide web of a world. I love input from other alternative thinkers, so please take advantage of the comment area below each of my articles. Tell me about your little one(s) and what has been you experience with unusual, safe approaches to raising the next generation.